When visitors arrive at your website, thanks to skillful landing page optimization techniques, often ones that are specifically geo-targeted or categorized to maximize response, what reactions then follow?
Here are four you will surely want to avoid…
So what?
A visitor is exposed to information that doesn't mean anything to them. This can often happen when web content is created within a business and reflects what that company feels is important or simply what they want to say about themselves. There's an old Scottish word — "blawhard" — which means a person who talks endlessly about themselves and their achievements. You may have sat next to one at dinner, or been unable to escape another in a bar! Web content written in this style is likely to gain this "so what?" reaction.
So why?
Some visitors to a website will already be eager to buy a product or use a service. In other words, the process of persuasion is virtually complete and they are looking for the information contained in the fourth of these points below. For others, they are seeking an answer to the question "Why should I…?" They need to be persuaded of the benefits of going ahead with a purchase, or whatever other action you wish them to take. To achieve that, consider the following point as well.
So how?
Appreciating such benefits is only half of a complete story. It's equally important to add the proof of how they will be gained – the key points about a product or service which deliver these gains. The same process can be followed when creating content covering problems and their solutions.
So what next?
To complete the selling, registration, or other process — even for those who have been persuaded and were mentioned earlier — the web content should always ask for the desired action to be taken. This should then be backed up by simple steps to follow to make it happen.
Failing to achieve the above — both in your landing pages and then in other web content — can see you end up with a so-so website. This is one that doesn't quickly interest or fully involve your visitors. In the end, as with the bore in the bar, they'll find a way to leave your presence!