Boosting conversion rates should be the goal for every businesses web page. But turning the casual clicker into a dedicated and loyal customer is no easy task.
There are tons of conversion strategies out there that are tried and true, but if you're looking for a place to start, look no further. Put website conversion rate optimization at the top of your priority list by following these tips:
Offer a printer-friendly page
Printer-friendly pages mean cutting out all of the extra links and text that your readers don't want to save. They allow consumers that haven't committed yet to save a hard copy of your content to help them decide later. This makes your pages easier to read for these users, but also encourages the distribution of your content in the physical world, which is always a nice bonus. Either way, it means getting more eyes on your page, which should always be the goal.
Focus on the details
Customers want to know exactly what they're getting before they throw down their hard-earned cash. High-res images and detailed product information are great ways to make sure they can do just this. No one knows your strengths better than you, and so it's up to you to make sure all the essential info is ready and accounted for. What exactly does your buyer need to know before making a purchase? What details push your service over the edge and make it stand out? Enhanced image views are a great way to accomplish this, letting buyers get up close and personal with your product.
Spell it out
Be proud of your pricing, whether you're looking to charge top rates for the best services, or are offering the lowest prices around, customers want to know right off the bat how much they will be spending. It's no secret that price is going to be the primary factor in any major purchase, and so why try to hide the facts? To make sure you're reaching out to all of your potential customers, try to provide details on shipping as well as international pricing options.