Converting landing page visits to further clicks and business has a lot to do with psychology.
It's commonly known that people make up their minds within a few seconds, so you must have an uncluttered landing page that is easy to follow, hooking them with SEO rich headings and sub-headings. But the psychology goes much deeper than that.
Read on to learn about psychological optimisation for ranking and conversion of your web pages.
Buy now! Don't miss out on this great offer! Give your potential clients a sense of urgency.
This urgency could be due to the exclusivity, or scarcity of your product. Let them know if stock is selling fast. They need to think that what they are expected to invest in is highly sought after. Why would they want to miss out?
A common feature of all human beings is that they seek pleasure. Not only that, but humans are a selfish bunch. Appeal directly to the reader. Tell them what they want to hear. If you don't already offer what they want to hear, change it so you do!
Pain (and solutions)
As much as people love pleasure, they hate pain. Tell them what could happen if they don't invest in your product. Don't lay it on too thick, but get them thinking of the consequences.
The modern human is a pack animal. People like to feel a part of something. If they know, or think, that others are flocking to your product, they're more likely to read further. Appeal to pack mentality.
If you can offer a sample, do so. If you're offering an ebook for example, give a few tantalising pages away. People like to get things for free, it's like a tiny victory.
Video testimonials are more convincing
Video testimonials are more effective than text. This is simply because people can connect more with a moving, speaking human being. Make sure the body language is open, friendly, and enthusiastic.
Big figures
If you have big figures to show off, do so. Do you have a high volume of traffic through your site? Have you been in business for many years? Put these big, impressive figures on your landing page.
People hate parting with money. Show them how much they can save by using you.