Forms are an essential part of most landing pages. This is where you convert clicks into customers, the life blood of your business.
If you've taken the time and effort to hone your SEO strategy, invested in the best landing page software, and enticed those all-important visitors onto your landing pages, make sure you don't then turn them away from your page at the last minute with a badly thought-out form. They've made it past all of your competitors and onto your page, so follow our tips to make sure they stay long enough to complete the details you need!
Whether the next step you want your visitors to take is to sign up to your email newsletter, register for a follow-up sales call, or download your ebook, your landing page form should:
Be low on effort
Keep the fields to be filled out to a minimum. If all you really need is their name and email address, don't get carried away asking for more than you need.
Be easily visible
Keep your form above the fold so no scrolling is needed to find it. Make it stand out with an eye-catching headline and some bullet points of the key features. Include some engaging visuals that tie in with your form – something that reinforces your brand message and presents it in a positive context, such as happy customers.
Talk about benefits
You have a unique business, so tell your visitors about it (in a few, simple words). If there is a free benefit to completing your landing page form, shout about it!
Have a strong call to action
Make it really obvious what your visitors should do next and ensure this ties in with your SEO keywords.
Don't say submit
It sounds boring and formal. Customise your button and use a call to action, such as "create account" or "request a callback" instead. It's proven to convert more clicks to customers.
So remember, keep it clear and simple with a strong call to action and your clicks will be customers in no time!