Having read through this comprehensive blog, you'll most likely have picked up some tips by now on how to make your landing page the best that it can be, so this is a good point in your online journey to remember your goal: cold, hard sales.
Once you start to put a little passion into your landing pages, it's easy to get caught up in making them a wonderful piece of stand-alone work and put the focus on your creativity rather than gearing towards conversion. It sounds counter-intuitive: surely the best content will get the best results? Here we'll explore the reasons why that's not always the case.
Don't "satisfy" the user for free! More interesting content can actually stop users converting – the reader feels that their problem has been solved, or their interest has been satisfied, and therefore they don't feel the need to go on to make a purchase. Always keep the focus on a clear, easy-to-follow layout proven to convert, and have your copy mirror this simplicity.
Great content often tries to please everyone… big mistake. You'll hear it at every marketing conference: the trend for more targeting is going nowhere. Make sure you know your target market (their location, their interests, and especially their most-searched keywords) and tailor your piece towards them completely. If this seems like an impossible task, this is where an SaaS landing page generator tool comes into its own, instantly targeting regions and ensuring keywords for the area are in place.
What is SaaS and how can it help me generate leads?
SaaS (Software as a Service) is on-demand software. There are so many examples that make your daily business operations easier and more affordable – even Microsoft are now following a monthly subscription model for their software, saving you more than ever.
Seomaton's SaaS landing page service will boost the sales power of all your webpages whilst saving you days of work – creating layouts proven to convert, targeted regional versions, and all-important keywords. Get in touch today to find out more.