Three ways optimization could ruin your landing page

on September 1, 2015 at 13:01

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Once you have a landing page up and running, and some viewers already checking out your site, the next step is to focus on website conversion rate optimization.

You want to turn that visitor traffic into real, active customers. There are hundreds of tips out there on how you can optimize your conversion rate, but what many won't tell you is that there are also many ways you can hurt your own efforts. Avoid these common optimization errors:

  1. Changing too much

    There are a lot of great tools for helping you test out different aspects of your landing page, or even the whole thing. As great as it is to test and make changes, you can definitely overdo it. You can lose visitors and customers just as easily as you can gain them, and changing your landing page won't always mean gaining more without losing any. If you really do think you need to play with some parts of your site, that's fine, but only do so if you have a real reason to. Identify what could be a problem and work to remedy it. Don't just assume that because your numbers aren't where you want them to be, you should trash everything and start over. Also keep in mind that your regular visitors might be put off by constant changes to your site.

  2. Trying new things without sound reason

    If you do decide to test out different things — like copy, calls to actions, colors — do it intelligently. You think the color of your buttons is deterring people from clicking? Why? You may have a legitimate proposal, but you also don't want to start throwing out ideas "just because". Use your analytics and visitors' feedback to determine what should be changed and how, instead of taking shots in the dark and seeing what works.

  3. Assuming less is more

    Many people assume that less copy and fewer words in headlines or calls to action is always better. It's not. Of course you don't want to be wordy, and most visitors will be turned off by large chunks of text on a website, but it's also easy to say too little. You need enough text to explain what your landing page's purpose is, what you want a visitor to do, and how they will benefit from doing it. In fact, very little copy could make your website look untrustworthy.


Last modified: Tuesday, 01-Dec-2015 09:57:02 GMT